
\"Souls Burnt Black\"



Consumed by desire,

Thirsting for your eternal fire.

Hear my cries O\' Lord,

Heal my pains from within.

Caused by a life led by sin,

Heaven knows Satan wants to be my friend. 

I pray to you let my prayers shine through,

Kill me again, my Heavenly Friend.

I can not bear this sin anymore, 

Help me Heavenly Father off the floor. 

Finger nail scratches upon the wall,

Wanting eternal life, after all.

Satan is always at my door,

Begging me to sin some more.

Tempt me with lust and desire, 

He wants my soul burnt with fire.

Please help me, Heavenly Father I\'m in despair,

Forgive me of sin,

That I may have eternal life within your love.

The end the battle of sin created by him below,

Thank Lord for hearing my cries.

No more hurt caused by sinful alibis,

This mission is over,

From the scars deep within.

Only to have eternal life with him...


By. Eric Kanelopoulos 

3/10/24 Copyright