
Hello Chapter 1

          It’s time to try this again.

Hello chapter 1.

          I’m ready this time.

I have a story to share.

          Words start to flow,

Scenes begin to form,

          Already at the end

Of famous chapter 1.


          Hello chapter 2,

Will you continue my tale?

          I promise I won’t leave

Until we reach the end.

          More words, more scenes,

A character or three.

          So thus the climb begins,

And so ends chapter 2.


          Greetings chapter 3,

It’s been a while I know,

          The stakes have raised

Tensions are high,

          Conflict slowly brews

And characters take up arms.

          Here the journey finally starts,

Goodbye chapter 3.


          Dearest chapter 4,

You’ve always been my enemy.

          How do you convince

The momentum to keep going?

          The words are slow,

Clunkier than most,

          Final thud a sound I know,

I found the wall again.


          I know I have to push through.

I know it needs to happen.

          I write the scenes

That linger in my mind,

          For chapters 7, 8, 9

And others that I need.

          I look again at chapter 4

And sadly close the program.


          Days to weeks,

Weeks to months,

          And now it’s been a year.

I open up to do some work

          And find chapter 4 again.

I skim the words I knew.

          I skim the bits and pieces

Wrote to keep me writing.

          I read it through

From start to end

          But nothing I do,

Nothing I say,

          Nothing I write,

Can finish chapter 4.


          In the trash it goes,

Or a folder I’ll never see,

          I spend my time

In sorrow and dreams,

          The stories burst

Imagination runs

          And I hate how much

I long to share

          My mind, my thoughts,

My broken heart,

          But nothing comes,

And soon it’s been years.


          Time to try this again,

Hello chapter 1,

                             I’m ready this time…