Evelin Angel



Dream Dream Dream

How I dream

Hard to execute

Difficult to understand

But still follow 

To be an Airhosters

To be aPilot

To be a Captain

To be an Airport staff

which one to focus?

With confusing mind

Still I follow the dream

Struggled to obtain

spoiled the enjoyment

To focus the dream

Lost most of the friends

Almost dropped

Still kept dreaming

At one stage

Realized every dream can\'t achieve

Dreams are dependable

Depend on situation

Circumstances favorable

Can follow the dream 

Unfavorable issues are more

Still people are focusing on

Hats off to them

Change my mind

Diverted myself

Towards other target

The fail made me suppressed

Went behind the flow

Could\'nt swallow the pain

Atill I have those dream

Which I cannot achieve

But don\'t stop dreaming

It encourages us

It keep us alive

It straighten our focus

It\'s an inspiration

Spread wide to make it.