
Solitude (For my Father)

Solitude, my place of silent reflection, yet crowded by the thoughts and emotions of myriad memories.  My mind an eruption of feelings and fears, each vying to outdo the other and become the sole proprietor of my aching sanity.
Silent screams heard by all, and no one.  Unlimited decibels of debilitating fear at what life doles out to the unsuspecting, freezing the very soul to the point of utter destruction.
Stand fast, I try, swimming against an unrelenting tidal wave of panic, threatening to wrest the last vestige of hope from a bruised and battered mind and casting it aside like the wind blown autumn leaves as they scatter like frightened mice under a swooping Owl.
Cruel and sadistic deity, to what end is the suffering of others such a feast for you to succour upon that you\'re pleasure be derived from the heartache and pain of those who\'s only failing is to express their love and desire to breathe in every moment, every sound, sight and smell of all that is good?  
Rise up, Ye who fear death, rise up and vanquish this darkness. Let us smite it\'s very existence from our hearts, our minds.  And, let us embrace the unknown gossamer of life, let us walk hand in hand with it. No, let us run headlong into the abyss with it.
Solitude, silent reflection, a time to remember .