
Inspired By A Radio Story

Monarch butterflies were flitting above the smoke
And one of the New York firemen dousing the still smouldering ashes spoke
Saying those are the souls of the many who died here
On silent wings to heaven\'s gate they near.

The souls of those who died on that September day
Towards a better World now slowly wing their way
Of all sufferings and troubles now quite free
For to re-live in love and joy and harmony.

The smoke from the smouldering ashes their souls did release
And they now can live forever more in peace
In that paradise somewhere beyond the skies
The fireman wiped the teardrops from his eyes.

On September the eleventh New York\'s blackest day
When tragedy came to the U.S.A.
The great twin towers by aerial terrorists destroyed
And the souls still live of all of those who died.

Butterflies flew towards the sunlight above the clouds of smoke
And his comrades listened as the fireman spoke
And said those are the souls of the people who died here
On silent wings towards heaven\'s gate they near.