
Do you remember

Do you remember me as much as I do

For my feelings for you are still alive

And I Often break into sobs anew

Whenever I am reminded of you


Do you try to be as faithful

As you were when our cup of love was full?

Or do you push aside those memories

Which to me, are delightful as romantic stories?


Oh, how I do long for you

And try hard to be always true

Since patience is always said to be rewarded

When love for one is not guarded


And I hope that one fine sunny day

When the waves are gently caressing the bay

As a gentle breeze is stirring over the quay

You will, for me, your heart down, lay,


For perpetuity, and swear you will never depart

And that, no one, shall us, from each other, part

For I will then stop feeling blue

As I find my dream coming true