Saxon Crow

You’ll Never Believe it Unless You’ve Been There Part 1

“Oh that’s disgusting!

It can’t be true?!”

“It is. It’s what they do

Out they come of the mothers meehaw

They look like our bloo bloo

Then they suck on their mothers neenads

Which has to hurt for sure.

After all she has only two

Not the normal twenty four

They place their produce in a hole

That is upon the face

And then they use it to communicate

What an unhygienic place

And they grow in shapes and sizes

There’s just no conformity

You really can’t tell one from another.

Their just such an oddity

And then their favourite past time

Is to say

That their planet is just great

But within a kem their out again

Consuming it in haste

They’re not like us on dear old Pluktar

Where there is an order to everything

They\'re more like those on Planet Gleep

Remember what happened to them

They spend all their rems

In front of something

Called a television box

They’re at it ever single fem

They believe it is their God

And then there’s

What was that word?

Oh yes ‘love’ which they all say a lot

But it is meaningless

As no one there

Knows what it’s actually for

So if you want to visit

It’s the third planet from their sun

It will show you that the Universe

Has such a sense of fun.