
Golden memories

An air of serenity had pervaded the room

There was no sign of either extreme joy or gloom

I was as usual, sailing in the ship of dreams

And could see through it, happiness and love’s streams

An aura of mystery spread around me

None could penetrate the fence I built around me

Images of you just rolled through my mind’s eyes

And I once again recollected our love and strong ties

Once more, I visualized the faces of those who objected to our bond

Who had been jealous of us, since we were of each other, fond.

Oh, those memories always respond to my beck and call

And make me in a sort of stupor fall

For none could deny we had been faithful to each other

The very thought of parting had always made us shudder

And since ‘patience’ is the key that fits in every lock

And there is no doubt, we both will remain firm as a rock

Our love is sure to be rewarded one day

And enabling us to keep jealous souls at bay

Will make sure we find happiness one day………..