
The moon

On the day the moon met the stars
I heard the sound of destruction 
Whispers of uncertainty caused by not knowing
Came like a flood that drowned my fragile spaces 

Words struck as how lightning burns flesh
Tales of the unknown ran like wild fire that burns what\'s been kept for who knows how long
The wail of the sidelines echoed in all places
Petals of acceptance flew across like the wind, sent chills to my bone.
Rivers of tears flowed comparable to an unstoppable phenomenon
Dear little drops, who do you belong?

As seconds turn to minutes and hours to days
I stand rooted to the day I lost the moon
Facing the world, I ask
Do you have to be so cruel?
To the moon with shining light,
To the moon with patches of spoils of war?
With desperate eyes I was left alone
By the cruel world who pay no heed
Left with answers no one knows

Let me not forget the moment that came like a knight in a shining armor
For a girl buried in the mud with a heavy heart. 
I now give you a gift of a promise binded by the words of a heart that no one could deny
The moon will shine witnessed by the unknown scattered throughout the sky
As bittersweet happiness is on the search. 
For as long as the girl can, the moon will be remembered for a series of laughter, comfort, and amazement. 
Gazing at the sky, my moon, do you smile?


- Clara