Veronica Achlys writes

Your Poisonous Love

I begged for your love
Till my voice remained no more,
Till the arteries in my eyes burst,
Till my knees gave out,
Bleeding and scraped.

I searched for your love in every little thing,
In every withered petal and dried leaf,
In every grey sky and moonless night,
Stayed awake long enough to count a million falling stars,
Wishing on every single one of them,
And with every glimmer that vanished in the sky,
A million tears I shed.

Sung every song I knew,
Painted you a cloudless blue sky from the grey shades of sadness you gave me,
Tore off every lovely piece of me and gave it to you
So you could complete your puzzle piece,
Lit a fire with every log of wood I collected to keep you warm.

In return all I got was,
Lies fired like spears,
Lethal enough to bruise,
An unkept noose of vows,
Tightening around my throat.

And though I\'ll wish for your happiness
To every star that falls hereafter,
I must leave before I begin to despise your lovely smile,
And you know for you I\'d twist the knife in my own heart till its in specks
But I cannot fathom that anymore,
Your love that I found in dying little pieces
Is poison I can drink no longer.