JD Boye

Wildflower Sonnet

Past golden fields where summer breezes dance,

A wildflower posed, fair beyond compare,

With tresses spun of gold, a radiant trance,

Skin so soft and pure as white lily\'s flair.


Her smile greets each morning like edelweiss,

Guiding young souls through life\'s tumultuous tide,

In her gaze, a shamrock\'s hue doth entice,

Where mystery and whimsy both abide.


Like yellow gorse, her hair cascades with grace,

A sunlit halo framing beauty\'s face,

And in her talent, hues of heather\'s hue,

Inspire hearts to soar, in dreams anew.


Oh, be my wildflower, pretty and free

Together my love, in a house by the sea.