
The fragile human

In the vast expanse of existence, a soul thrust into being,
Navigating a labyrinth of uncertainty, questioning, and seeing.
Born into a world unknown, without a choice or say,
Each step a dance of wonder, grappling with life\'s array.

Do others perceive the world as I, or is each view unique?
As I journey through this human experience, feeling more than speak.
Life\'s lottery, a chance at joy, or an unfair twist of fate,
Yet empathy binds us, feeling deeply for those less fortunate.

No guarantee of waking with each slumber\'s embrace,
The universe\'s mysteries, an enigma we cannot chase.
Billions before, billions to come, all fleeting on this earth,
A brief interlude of existence, pondering our worth.

Our minds, finite vessels, grappling with the grand design,
Searching for meaning in the chaos, yearning for a sign.
Religion\'s solace, offering answers to life\'s profound questions,
Yet casting shadows of doubt with tales of divine retributions.

Uncertainty, a constant companion, woven into our being,
Resisting the urge to turn away, from truth and from feeling.
A paradox of gratitude and anxiety, a burden to bear,
The fear of death, and the void it leaves, a weight we all share.

In the quest for purpose, we wander, seeking our way,
In the moral labyrinth of choices, where right and wrong sway.
Judgment awaits, or perhaps not, in the mystery beyond,
As we ponder our existence, in the vast cosmos we respond.

Are we crafted by a creator\'s hand, or mere chance\'s design?
A question echoing through eternity, transcending space and time.
In the end, perhaps it matters not, the why, the how, the when,
For in the fleeting moments we find meaning, in love, in loss, in friend.