

I hate the strange feeling in the room 

The white noise makes it all go away 

Smoking till the clouds are on the roof 

I miss you so much, I feel so lonely today 

I’m so high up not even the flesh will stop me 

To tell all the things I really mean 

Here’s to you my open heart 

Everyday I wake up with such weight, I fall 

The dark in my space gives me comfort 

You and I, always almost 

Again and again 

We were always on the verge of almost 

Never nothing, never something 

The more I look into the past the more I imagine what could’ve been 

About the other way, the other direction 

The way you used to touch my skin 

I didn’t ask for nothing, never waiting for perfection 

We have our differences and that affects the relation 

How I wish for a last kiss and a last question 

Did you ever love me? 

It’s okay if there’s no answer 

Running away from the demons hiding inside my bedroom 

Horoscope this week said I paired well with Cancer 

I know I shouldn’t reach out 

How can you blame me, we been through a lot

It’s hard to forget someone who impacted you hard 

Maybe in a different lifetime we were who we always wanted to be 

Maybe the moon and stars aligned 

Maybe that feeling of “almost” never died 

Anyway, I hope we can one day both be happy  

Under this moonlight I poured out my tears into the ocean tide 

Let me be that sensation you feel when you write 

I penetrated you with my intellect 

And you said I always think I’m right 

I highlighted that part, the one you said I gained your respect 

I’m going crazy, I’ll hold on until again, we both not in a fight 

I will be far, somewhere south at the seacoast 

Thinking of you, our love was always an almost