
When the Sakura Blooms

When the Sakura blooms, I am reminded of her.
Reminded of all the times we\'ve spent together.
I remember the day we met like it was yesterday.
Such a memory fills me with sorrow every day.

As the days went by, we got closer and closer,
And every time we talked, I knew her better and better.
I liked her as a friend at first,
Then, like a Sakura flower, my feelings for her started to burst

When I confessed to her, I was anxious and nervous.
I felt joy when I found out I was victorious.
I thought then and there she was the woman of my dreams,
But it would not work out that way, it seems.

For four months, we were happy together.
I foolishly thought our love could last forever.
But one day she said to me she was leaving,
At that moment, I thought I was dreaming.

I demanded answers, of course, asked her why and told her not to go.
She would not change her mind; it seemed, so I was forced to let her go.
I am reminded of her when the Sakura blooms,
As I wallow in pain and agony inside my empty room.