
Estil’s 41 Magnum


Not a familiar caliber to many
To the .357’s power this one more
Improved management of recoil
A third less than Magnum 44s

Revolvers for law enforcement the rule
Believing 41s had found a niche
Then wonder nines came on the scene 
This new Magnum suffered a glitch 

Introduced to this N-frame by an old man 
We descended from 2 of 3 brothers 
Original settlers of the holler called home
From generations back cousins 

I spent time sitting on his porch
He’d share old hunting stories
Making you see an African safari
Squirrels and groundhogs mere allegories 

He lost an eye as a young man
A cast-out by those thought better than we
Estil saw more than they imagined 
Seeing what they wouldn’t see

Leaving home not returning in time
No more learning from this old sage
His stories about an older way of life
A gift to me at a young age

No interest in what would be distributed 
Nor could a claim be laid by me
I was offered that 41 by his nephew
A cherished possession that would be

That revolver a part of my friend
Asked his niece if she concurred 
She decided it was in good hands
I’ll never part with it except to her
