
A Chess Poem (Black Wins)

From blackened wood and rusted metal,
Black\'s king reborn has a score to settle.
Shadows shiver, and the ground turns black,
His line reforms for a new attack.

With a hearty laugh and beaming grin,
White\'s king expects another win.
His forces rally, and eager for war,
They do not wait - they charge e4.

With lessons learnt blacks take g6,
It is from the wings they\'ll weave their tricks.
White pawns cheer and grab d4,
Taking dominion over the middle floor.

Black responds, again not violent,
They push b6, slow and silent.
To central squares white bishops race,
Whilst behind their pawns black\'s take their place.

More moves from white secure the centre,
An imposing front black cannot enter.
More moves from black are calm and steady,
Hiding their schemes until they\'re ready.

With both kings safe on the eastern side,
White armies charge as blacks still hide.
Black pawns break rank far to the west,
and to kill them there is now white\'s quest.

But for black\'s doomed pawns there comes no aid,
It is towards the east black points its blade!
With white engaged so far from the king,
Blacks now unleash their deadly sting.

The killings stop, white forces panic,
The roar from black is cruel and manic.
Those that stayed to guard their lord,
Are now too few to thwart blacks\' horde.

A sleeping queen white tries to bluff,
But to black this gift is not enough.
With excited frenzy they break whites\' wall,
and one by one whites\' pieces fall.

The white king flees to avoid a mating,
But outside his fort the blacks are waiting.
They shepherd him towards their side,
and on blacks\' door is where he died.