
Our forever

On the road to myself

There\'s unimaginable fire,

I can\'t believe that a heart\'s a lier,

And that in vain has it been burnt.

On this journey I met joy,

Even though I wasn\'t searching,

As we are gradually converging,

I am seeing our souls alloy.

I asked once:\" Love, maybe it\'s you?

Once in a lifetime, real, pure?..\"

I got a  response: \" There\'s only a few,

Who have thе power to endure .

You have been chosen , a perfect match,

Creative, gifted, God- obeying.

Your strength derives from constant praying,

For you can\'t start the life from scratch.\"

This undeniable connection so irresistibly attracts,

You\'re both ignoring all red flags,

You need this sense for self- protection.

You relish warmth and nurture minds

In deep profound conversations,

It\'s something more than just a temptation,

From now you\' re both doomed to feel pined.

Giarnomous something, secret magic 

Brings you together more and more.

Only from the distance you adore

Another half, that\'s why it\'s tragic.

It is unreal and divine,

It can\'t be suppressed, though you endeavour,

Not in this life, yet in forever 

Your souls are firmly intertwined .