
The messenger

My name is Robert Fisher  (Aka Bobby )

Now  resident in the shadows realm  .

Listen to the message from the king pawn oracle :

You\'re walking around  a  chessboard 

that\'s about to explode on  your  masks ,

lecherous bishops , perfidious rabbis !

Lost shepherds seeking shelter in the ruins of gaza !

 Chaotic  gamble on the poker table ...

In the giant\'s sun the dwarf sees its shadow 

lenghten  beyond measure ,thinking itself  subversive ! 

I can only decide which of these insects 

will be promoted to  gender  change !  

 My name is Robert Fisher  (Aka Bobby ) 

  Misericordious  misanthrope 

       master mentalist  ,

  playing you like an emotion ,

for ,I have crossed the threshold  

and now,I know the perfect combination !