
A Prayer to God

O Lord, I pray for a steady path ahead,
A life filled with purpose, and peace in heart,
Grant me the strength to weather life\'s storms,
And anchor my soul with unwavering resolve.

In the tumult of uncertainty, I seek
The grace of Your guidance, a beacon of hope,
To light my way through the shadows that loom,
And lead me to a place of security and calm.

Bestow upon me the gift of steady ground,
Where I may build my dreams, and sow the seeds
Of a future ripe with promise and fulfillment,
Where abundance flows and worries dissipate.

Grant me the wisdom to tread with sure footing,
And the courage to face each challenge head-on,
As I navigate the winding roads of fate,
Let me find strength in the midst of adversity.

May my efforts blossom into fruitful success,
And my endeavors bear the sweet fruits of labor,
As I navigate the ebbs and flows of existence,
Let me find stability in the ebb and flow of life.

With faith as my compass and resilience my shield,
I embark on this journey with a steadfast spirit,
Knowing that in You, I find unwavering support,
I offer this prayer for stability and serenity.