David Wakeling

Chris The haunted husband.

Chris didn’t believe in ghosts. Until he got divorced.
Now he has them with him always.

There is the ghost of his alcoholic  Father,
And the ghost of a mother who didn’t approve of him.
But the most difficult ghost was his ex-wife Melanie.
She wasn’t dead but haunted his mind just the same.
In fact if he was honest he still loved having her around.
They separated after their son died in child birth.
Melanie suffered post natal depression and cut her wrists.
She now inhabits his thoughts and they still have conversations.

“  You don’t need to show me your scars, Melanie.
I know only too well what despair is.
When I was in love with you I felt all your joys and sufferings.
I was there when they said that little Aiden didn’t make it.
I was there when you blamed me.
We both know it wasn’t my fault but I held you in my arms.
I was there when you cut your wrists and bleed all over me.
I held you as long as I could.
I waited with you for the ambulance that saved your life.
But some of life’s cuts don’t heal. They scar over.
So I am haunted by your disappointment in me.
So no you don’t need to show me your scars.”