Chad Carlson


By Chad Carlson

Some say that I have fallen
But I didn\'t have that far to fall
All I see is blood and brain matter on my wall
I check to see if it\'s mine
But my head remains intact
On my hands I see the blood
From the carnage of my act
In the room the scene is madness
Bodies packed from wall to wall
All with evicerated chest cavities
And shattered broken skulls
No fear inside my mind
No regret for all my sins
No remorse for all my actions
Now it\'s time to begin again
Walking out my front door
I know it\'s only a matter of time
Before the heat will make the bodies stink
And bring attention to my crimes
I already smell the sickening stench of rot
That sweet smell of decay
So I decided to do some cleanup
Before going on my way
Reopening the door was a shock to me
My house is completely clean
No trace of blood or bodies
To bring attention to the scene
I then started to laugh
I know one body still remains
In the bathroom on the floor
Laying in a dried bloodstain
I look to see for sure
And it\'s right there at my feet
It\'s mine you understand
It\'s something I no longer need
Freed from mortal binds
Freed from mortal pain
Freed from mortal sadness
Freed from mortal drain
Lost inside an evil sickness
To live inside the darkness
And choose another victim.