Ajax (he/xe)

My Paperclip

A paperclip holds my papers together, 

keeping them safe. 

Sometimes the paperclip slides off, 

a paper or two drifting to the floor. 

It\'s no matter, though, and I take a second or two to slide them back in the clip. 


A paperclip holds my papers together. 

Most would argue that staples are more efficient,

and long lasting.

I don\'t care if I need to repeat the action a couple of times, though. 

This works for me.


A paperclip holds my papers together,

Sometimes it bends the corner a little. 

And when papers slip out, 

they return somewhat damaged. 

I try to hide the imperfections. 

Someone always notices in the end. 

My teachers don\'t like it when my papers are messed up. 

It never bothered me, though.


A paperclip holds my papers together,

And I realize I\'m quite like the papers,

in a way. 

For a thin piece of metal is all I need,

to keep myself together.