Chad Carlson

Bad Dreams

By Chad Carlson

Downward spiral
I\'m sinking ever deeper
Trying to climb out
But the walls are getting steeper
Stuck in this rut
In my mind\'s eye created
Should\'ve gotten out sooner
But I just procrastinated
I see the light at the top
Getting ever smaller
The dimness all around me
Growing ever darker
My handholds are failing
As I start sliding faster
No idea where the ground is
I\'m flirting with disaster
Then I hear the voices
Fear grips me like a vice
They\'re calling out my name
They tell me to pay the price
Then my grip gives way
And the freefall takes control
Only a matter of time now
Before the ground will take it\'s toll
Not much longer now
I start to hear their laughter
Drowning out all the other sounds
Because it\'s my death they\'re after
But it\'s only me that\'s laughing
As I finally realize
That I\'m standing by a mirror
Staring into my own eyes