Your Girlfriend

Do you ever?

Do you ever just wanna sit in the bathroom and cry?

Ever wanna just hide?
Hide from the world and never be found.
Just sit in one place and do nothing.
Do you ever wanna punch a wall or kick something?
When oil spills don\'t use water to soak it up.
When a breakup happens don\'t go crying back. 
Back to the other person.
When your guy or girl ignores you it hurts.
But just give \'em space.
Don\'t rush or it may hurt you not \'em.
Do you ever wanna yell this at people
\"It’s simply pretty that I’m hurt

Ignoring the love I gave
You don’t appreciate anything I’ve shown
And yet you’re so far away.
This is not right
Why did I fall for you?
I thought I’m ready.
I can’t justify
Cannot fight
But to accept all these things I can’t and
Make hard things simple.
I fall
Even knowing that,
I wasn’t meant for you..\"

No? well that\'s me 
Do you ever wanna just scream
Do you ever