
A Rose In Controversy

I can see right through you; it\'s crystal clear

The taste of freedom sounds sincere

Behold a deeply humiliating situation

That I\'m trying to escape

For I\'m burying my soul in the end

Because there is no truth in revelry

For the revelry is just a noise in the air

And silence is my only friend

For no one can take me away from my silence...

For I am an empath that\'s been pushed too far

And I hold a candle to the wind

For I no longer want to play pretend

For real things happen when I walk away

And if I am the villain, let me be

For I am not a fake rose

I don\'t blossom to your approval

And there are many ways a narcissist can bleed me

Yet I cannot be bled

Yet I die alone in your misery

And I need to escape this immediately

For I am beautiful, and you are ugly

You look like a monster that\'s been rotting in the cage

How guilty do you feel

After I called you out?

You can\'t even say anything, can you?

For you are my controversy all blown up

With dirty socks and all,

I hope you realize just how shitty you are

You have no soul...therefore you are dead;

Oh what will become of the living dread?

I wonder as I laugh

For I laugh through the pain that is deep inside

For you created this pain

And I have to bear to live with it

How come you never take accountability

For your faults?

Why is it that you have to win?

Well I have boundaries now...

And if you cross them, I will kill you;

Kill the raging heart that is dark

Kill the negative thoughts in your head

Kill the ego that makes you weak

Kill the ugly face that is you...

I will do all that and more

So don\'t cross me bitch

For the flowers always win.

For we are proud in our nature

And we are empaths in the soul

And you are just a dark force

Waiting to die...

What a pleasure for me to see you die

With a sword in your mouth

Drawing blood.

There is still beauty in life without the narcissist.