


All girls.

All full- time employed, the managers included.


15 British, 1 French and, 1 Italian.


A gracious minibus collected us as bon bon candies in London city centre.


Promise of great amusement

great fun

great dancing. 


Arrived at the golf and riding house centre, let for the occasion 

by the company, all the bon- bon candies girls. 

(I did not look quite bon- bon as style).


All dinner tables ready 

food and drinks

2 glasses of wine

1 pint of beer

1 glass of faucet water 

1 empty glass

Music of the 1990\' and 2000\'s . 


All of a sudden an hysterical wave of former bon-bon girls converted into 

an orgy of dancing.

orgasmic wave

a wave  of temporary relief 

no holding hands - no ties- no hugs- no talks 


No gentlemen.

They were standing with glasses of wine on a safe corner 

talking about Finance

talking about Business 



The orgasmic dancing went dancing until late in the evening.

It was the 1st of all included events, to celebrate ....absolutely nothing.

Heads moving backwards and forwards. 


Summer 2016: Essex 

My manager grabbed my arm, \'\'get on the minibus\'\'-

then London tube to the city centre, before MIDNIGHT 

as Cinderella tale.

It was a new start of a promise of a nice fable or ...perhaps a nightmare?

Your company\'s party !