




18 mar 2024, 21:08 (15 ore fa)



Bright, warm evening

sticky air - full moon.


All on foot, walking towards the Liverpool street pub.

A gathering of drinks and chips.

All colleagues working in the same company.

Arrivals in sequence.

Wooden tables at Liverpool pub.

Low yellow soft lights

candles on the tables.


I sat with a middle- aged Greek colleague.

Greece sunny land

stunning landscapes....

\'\'Let me show you the photo of my wife. Greek, washing dishes

in the Sussex kitchen

Wife for 25 years

Sussex kitchen

Sussex house.


I ordered a drink ...I beg you perdon Christos,

left him alone talking of his wife, pony tail, black hair, pale complexion

in the Sussex house.


A group of British employees whispering of insurance coverages

smell of cocktails.


Small talk with a Brazilian colleague, 60 years old- divorced

10 years of marriage

British man

no talk

no fun

no sex

no love

no sense

Now Christ devoted.

\'\'I can offer you a Cathedral visit, churches, prayers and interesting visits

to the Boots pharmacy’’!

She spoke well only Brazilian Portuguese,

the rest

a new version of Esperanto language

to be gentle

to be kind.


Liverpool street Pub

a team of insurer women laughing loudly

\'\'insurance policies are hilarious only if you are drunk\'\'

not for the sober ones\'\'


I walked toward my office desk colleague

Bratislava - who discovered Saas while drinking.

Software as a service, but he did not know.

He was leaning languidly on a column drinking Vodka.

\'\'Stan I asked, are you drunk already? \'\'not yet\'\' he replied.

\'\'I will not be\'\'

My dear desk colleague of grapefruits.

By joke, I kissed him on the neck.

\'\'Silvana\'\' he said, \'\'you are intoxication\'\'

you are \'\'intoxicating\'\' everybody in the office along with

other British girls\'\'


\'\'You are pleasant\'\'


On the way back home, at fast pace to catch the 13 stops

tube. underground intoxicating fumes to get into a tiny room.


No Italians or French this time.