
Easter sunday

The resurrected in night and fog 

sowed nails on the city 

mortar  for the martyr ! 

 body ,Mild temperature 

mineral reincarnated carbon 

bells chime,as  flies dance ...

 Hallelujah !  Hallelujah  ! 

Dog is dead but it\'s remnants 

continue to pretend compassion ...

  It\'s western sunday  !

In the square the pope flushes urbi et  orbi !

Miracle for devotees ,molten lead for others ...

  Ring  jolly shoffar  ,turn holy  gaypride ! 

    christ  is back !  

Stain of passion on it\'s battle  dress  !  

  In the red  corrida cathedral 

Torino celebrates calcio\'s  great  mass !

  Charnel house sunday, channel   fear  ,

    no goals for  others ...