Inside my heart there is a little light
It’s your love, your care that tries to hold it together
Warming me inside, in this dark night you’re my saviour knight
Running throughout my tender veins, whatever
I can feeling his beating it fills my body
A sense of calmness running through.
I know who it is, it’s not just anyone I know this somebody.
His kind guidance and knowledge is his own clue
That he is not gone, he is inside my damaged heart
He will lift me up, he never leaves me alone
His warmth heals when I am falling apart
He is passionate love for me, is always driven deep inside my bones
He adores me, he tries to mend my heart and soul
That man’s magic is so powerful, even though he is gone
This authentic love, I know it won’t ever leave. He just makes me feel whole.
His love protects me from the pain from everyone