
a more amicable approach

a more amicable approach.

hyacinth. leather on a tongue.

seven days and still the curtains sleep.

high above. beyond the lakes reprieve

stirring clouds once ripples on a stream

now stand erect. powerful yet bleak;


once more the dancing cinnamon and jade

circles with anthology of rhyme.

here with heavens crossbow

silence comes and breeds it\'s summer flies;

infamy now laced with muzzled hands.

days end. ravaged. out of date;


no energy for change.

each good mouth smiles

beyond the sleeping willow where I lie.

as white as frost

delicate. naive;

for what seems to believe. it isn\'t so;


how many times must sorrow fall as rain?

when the good wine comes 

comes godliness more brighter than the sun.

brighter than the twelfth night of despair;

bound by light.

profanity alone will not succeed;


a world at war.

innocence and guilt.

an outside world

deliberate; disguised;

in the image of eternal sleep

deaf dumb and plagiarised;