
You’ll never be our Mum

You’ll never be our mum – they said
We don’t care if you cook and clean and make our bed 
You don’t fill the pain, of a broken home
Or make us feel warm when we feel alone
Because, you’ll never be our mum- they said. 

No matter how hard you try to fit the mould
No matter how brave you are or how bold
The smile you wear upon that face of yours
The praise within your eyes without any cause 
You\'ll still never be our mum – they said

The countless tears of ours you’ve watched us shed,
The support you gave to us, and soothed our heads 
The times you’ve put our needs before your own 
They way you’ve shown your love even when we moan.
The facts remain, it’s still the same
You\'ll just never be our mum – they said.