

I need time📌
Time to crown dad
Make him the king he is
Applause him for the leader he makes
Thank him for the love❤️
But it\'s him that misses😪,
Mom deserves it all, entirely  everything

How could he flee from everything
Hadn\'t he any empathy?
Not even a single guilt?
Was he that Inhuman ??
was he even thinking right?
maybe he had that \'thing\' *neko*

Seeing him in that wooden casket,
 peacefully sleeping ached me most.
How could he?
a fashionist, lie there without protest?
 couldn\'t he see that it matched him not?

He was dead😪.
 couldn\'t even recognize his wife moan him.
He was lifeless.
couldnt protect his wife from the harsh world as he used to.

He left her.
Transfered the crown but without giving the skills.
l blame him for always quoting*\'shes fragile can\'t let her work*. 
it could have made the world more easier 

It\'s now tens of years.
she fits in so well.
she has given the home a name.
Her leadership skills too lit🔥,
Does all it takes for the family.
she deserves crowns, applauses, thanks, everything 

Thanks momma❤️.