
On track

Sometimes I wake up

Only to fade away

Into the thoughts

That have no place in this day

I know I must start

I have to move forth

But in front of me always

Is a task of some “worth”

A picture to dust

A room much too cold

A table to clear

The mess in the sink, so old..

The sunrise is vibrant

A quick photo will suffice

If I don’t move the plants in

Will the succumb to the ice?

When all of these thoughts,

As out of place as they seem

And all of these tasks,

Is everything this distracting?

When I look at my mind,


I’m avoiding the fears.

When the only real one,

Is not having you near.

So I bring your thoughts forward,

Strap them to my side,

And plow ahead forward,

Brushing distractions aside,

With you the goals clarify,

The fog fades away,

The coffee takes hold,

My compass needle won’t stray.

Renewed in my purpose,

Warm in my heart,

I begin my day fresh,

I’m ready to start!