Siphesihle Mavuso

i am that invisible child

My name is hardly called, My father often forgets my name.

My mother often miscounts me. My voice is silent,

They never answered my questions. I am that invisible child.

My name is hardly called,


My parents never read for me bed time stories but

they do to them, I am that unplanned Child, reflection

of all hardship and pain they been through. They

can’t look me in a eye, Ask me how am…I? Maybe.


I am that invisible child. My name is hardly called,

My first grade teacher Forgot my name, My present teachers

They ask my name daily, It is not that hard but

It too long, it my parents’ Story in one word, I hate it.


My name is hardly called, I am not a first born,

surely I turned their Lives upside down,

I delayed their dreams, They were having fun, boom

The invisible child, I am.. the invisible  child.