Kinsley Lee

Late Winter Scene of Yonggang

By the winds the branches rustle with sound

And the late winter air is chilly,

The car is quiet, and thick clouds catch

The falling moon, silently.

The streetlights on Wonhyo Bridge cast

The dim light to darkness on the road,

And at Noryang Market, the shop owners chatter

And work from night on the road.

Before sunset, returning and in the morning mist,

Yet the birds\'re their nests,

And neon-signs gleam, as the sun rises and people\'re already

Out in the shops no rests.

No matter how dark, the river fog

Obscure the world\'s eyes and tow.

But when morning comes, the spring sun

Will rise soon with morning glow.

(Mar. 19th, 2024 Kinsley Lee)