New start.
New job.
North African TL.
I was at ease with the French language.
Pre- script – as a parrot repeat – no marketing oriented
Overcome objections- tackle potential clients’ obstacles.
He was ill. They said.
A week earlier from London, dialled Damien’s number-
same number I used to dial 13 years earlier:
‘’ALLO’’ Bonjour
1 week later, dialled the same number: the number is no longer in use, then a third time
The morning after, in the French Sales department in the office
‘’il etait malade’’
My task: 60 outgoing calls to France- DELL…..DELL
2 Dell laptops deals- leads done
1 server - DELL
‘’whispers’’: the woman is not at the standards we wish’’
HR immoral nasty Irish woman (sacked later on).
Large glazed windows
metal materials
wooden floors – carpets
many workstations
Damien- he was ill
60 calls a day.
One day, Spanish? Yes.
Urgently needed- (System Applications and Products) SAP.
List of Spanish companies to call.
Small ones- target
The advantage- the need.
1 deal done.
Friendly Spanish voice on the other side, the company owner in Spain.
SAP – we have it now.
Gracias un saludo.
Nasty and immoral Irish woman
one meeting: no longer needed
End of the job
End of the perspective.
Damien ……
Lunch at a bistrot – low tables of different colours – comfortable chairs.
A Frenchman wearing a heavy cloack, covering the whole face, laughing.
I could catch in a glimpse his smiling blue eyes--- as ZORRO- waring a cloak and a mask.
‘’Madame…je vous aime’’ laughter DAMIEN
Ready to start all over.
One morning, on Google
An Obituary: Damien had passed away 1 year earlier.
Condolence message from all the former Intel Corporations colleagues.
Then solo trader.
Weeping..But Why?
The man wearing the cloack: ‘’ Madame je vous aime, bonne chance dans la technologie’’
Lighted a candle on line with my name and surname on it
Dissolved companies.