
Thought police

Gentle Jesus is tucked away  

in the old cupboard of my soul,

buried under a shroud of lost memories...

People : Meditate on my terrible story ! 

I fled the red (or black ?) bedroom 

after immolating my innocent companion ! 

But the 3 little pigs caught up with me 

and reminded me,that to kill  Teddy ,

is to kill  all mankind  ! 

My punishment was to become a man

deprived of a  child\'s  soul ...

I could never play again in kindergarten

with little boys dressed in blue ,

and little girls in pink  knickers ...

 And forever ,in the sepulchre ,

the voice  resonating  :

  \'\'  Lorenz  what have you done to poor teddy ? \'\'

At the exit of the malformed thinking  house 

the doctor Freud  said to me :

\" Be wise my friend and we\'ll give you 

instructions to use the fib\'s machine ,

and we promise that Barbie will share your nights ! \"

I\'d rather asking the big bad wolf for hospitality 

and I flew away  with my outlaw identity ...

leaving my freedom of speech deactivated ...

 But you ,who read me aren\'t you a little pig 

with  a thought  police badge ?