Nicole Pritchard

My dreams of you

My dreams are full of you 
I even daydream about you 
I dream about your touch 
While you are away 
I dream about your smile 
That melts my heart 
I dream about falling asleep in your arms 
Being safe and secure 
I dream about hugging you tight 
I find myself hugging my pillow 
To feel your warm embrace 
I dream about our future 
Being happy and complete 
There is no escaping you 
You are everywhere
I would never change that 
All of my dreams are coming true 
The day you come into my dreams 
My heart was never full 
Til you filled my heart 
My dreams are only meant for you 
Your the reason
My dreams are always sweet 
I want my dreams to be a reality 
Where I don\'t have to dream of you 
You will be here 
Making all my dreams come true 
Til then
My dreams will stay sweet 
Cause they are all of you