
The anguished heart

Your graceful airs

Your winning smile

Which me

In earnest, did beguile

Your sparkling wit

Your harmless wiles

Your unique

Ruggedness virile

Threw me right head over heels

To be crushed by Love’s fatal wheels


The way I thrilled

to your touch

revealed to me

your charm as such

your eyes

which bored two holes in me

while we sat

sipping tea

gave a look so devout

that all my love

came gushing out


the countless couplets

that you wrote

reciting them

then by rote

made me, on you

intensely dote

as on, our love

I did gloat

While you

Your passionate lines

did quote


why then, did you

one sunny day

without explaining

walk away?

If I had known

I’d bid you stay

Since your heart over me

Held complete sway

But you did not bother

To take the trouble

Your love, I think

Had burst like a bubble


I know you to be

A one-girl boy

Then why did you treat me

As a toy?

The more I think

Over your deed

The more do I feel

You acted on need

But what could it be

That tore us apart

When Love reigned supreme

Over head and heart


Yet, taking heart

I hope for the best

Leaving Fate and you

To do the rest

My search for you

A permanent quest

Will end, when you hold me

Against your breast

Come back, let us never

Evermore part

Heed the appeals

Of my anguished heart.