Santajah Douglass

Te Amo On The Wings Of A Dream

On the wings of a dream where we can fly so high

On the wings of a dream, let me stare into your eyes

Te amo, te amo, te amo

Let this feeling never go away, let us always be safe in this place


In your arms, I find comfort 

It\'s like I\'m on the wings of a dream 

And furthermore, we say te amo, te amo, te amo


The sky is endless, the horizon vast

As we soar above the world, hand in hand

Our hearts intertwined, beating as one

On the wings of a dream, we find our sanctuary


The wind whispers sweet nothings in our ears

As we dance in the clouds, weightless and free

I feel your warmth, your love surrounding me

On the wings of a dream, I am complete


We watch the world below, small and insignificant

From our lofty perch, high above it all

The troubles of the world seem to fade away

On the wings of a dream, we are untouchable


I can see the twinkle in your eye

As you gaze at me with adoration

Te amo, te amo, te amo

These words are like a melody, a sweet refrain


I never want to leave this place

Where we are suspended in time

On the wings of a dream, anything is possible

Our love knows no bounds, no limitations


In this ethereal realm, we are invincible

Our spirits soaring, entwined forever

Te amo, te amo, te amo

On the wings of a dream, our love will never die


As we descend back to reality

I hold onto this moment, this memory

On the wings of a dream, we shared something divine

Te amo, te amo, te amo


I close my eyes and remember the feeling

Of flying high above it all, with you by my side

On the wings of a dream, we found our paradise

And in your arms, I will always find solace


Te amo, te amo, te amo

Let these words be etched in our hearts

On the wings of a dream, we will always be

Forever bound by love, for eternity


So let us fly on, my love

Into the unknown, into the infinite

On the wings of a dream, where we belong

Te amo, te amo, te amo.