Kev Youngson

Take a walk in the dark

Take a walk in the dark

Where your mother told you never to go

Take a walk in the dark

The real dark where you can\'t see before you

Take no light, you will disturb the darkness, the depth

Take a walk in the dark

Where the silence pierces the ears

And the scratches of small critters echo

And the sound of your footsteps cause you to question if you are alone

Take a walk in the dark where shadows dwell

And the darkness plays games with your imagination

Notice how there\'s something telling you to look behind you and quicken your pace

Take a walk in the dark where uncertainty is the only certainty.

And there\'s not guarantee of what you\'ll find at the end.

Keep your stride, keep it true until the end

Take a walk in the dark and leave the fear of it behind

Fear only what standing in the light will bring you. Or what it won\'t.

Maps were not drawn by standing still

Take a walk in the dark

Bask in the quiet

Keep from turning back and seeking out the security of the light

Fight on, stride hard against the fear, the apprehension

Pioneer your life against the unknown

Take a walk in the dark

Leave behind those who call you crazy, a fool.

That you\'re wasting your time. Stand in the light where it is safe.

Take a walk in the dark

Where you find just how far you can push your limits.

Where today\'s dreams are tomorrows possibilities.

Take a walk

To the edge of the map

And see what you discover in uncharted territories.

Take a walk to see what you will find on the other side of fear