
War has come


Who can win.


Lord Almighty 


Remove all sin.


Who is right?


Who is wrong?


Who can sing


A brand new song.


The harvest is white 


But the labourers are few. 


Who can see,


What to do.


Looking for signs,


In the stars,


In the sun-


Believing that soon their savour will come. 


Seeing righteousness in the war, interpreting prophesy believing their sure. 


See wickedness on display..


Believing from the evil, they\'ll be taken away.




I don\'t know. 


But this is for sure-


We should all fear him.


The writings on the wall. 


I lay here in wonder 


As the rains falling down


We really have desecrated 


The Lord\'s holy ground..


Seek him with all the heart 


It\'s not a time to feel bold. 


Search the scriptures from the start...


The story has been told.