Tom Dylan

Birthday Wishes

On the afternoon of my birthday 

I approach the packed pub table 

taking in the familiar faces. 

Ernest Hemingway regales the group 

with a tale of his Paris days

James Joyce shakes his head, 

declaring that\'s not how it happened at all. 

Simon Armitage sips his pint 

insisting the best beer is made in Yorkshire

and don\'t get me started on Yorkshire tea. 

Ted Hughes adds that there is magic in the Yorkshire rain. 

Emily Dickinson shares a poem 

beautiful moving and sad. 

Charles Bukowski says its time for another round 

of drinks, and he\'ll have a double. 

John Cooper Clarke checks the time on his watch. 

He\'ll have one for the road 

before catching his bus back to Salford. 

When it is time to leave

I pack up all my poetry books 

Happy birthday 

I say to myself.