
Noir Nightmares

Wander aimlessly midst confusion
familiar streets seem foreign
lurk about as a cat burglar on the prowl
yet nothing gained, nothing stolen
discharge all to the pestilent masses
no cure, no relief
Bell tolls carried by the wind land on deaf ears
while blind eyes see through the darkness
push me to the edge of consciousness
and beyond the misery of nightfall’s chill
witness emptiness
no hope, no sensation

Squalid rooms line neglected alleyways
tenants taunt for companionship
satisfaction for a price they chant
satisfaction for a price
contagious repulsion for sale
no lookers, no takers

Burning bridges reek with mendacity
cynical scents propelled through the air
cling like soot to every open wound
exhale the desperation of the night
the nightmare never ends
no sunrise, no release