Oh the war of the ages
Turns the brilliant pages
What heart on earth breathes a sigh?
To all who know love and its farewell
Pay attention to the signs that dwell
What if we ever climb the tower
That is the highest of the fall?
To much my heart resigns this loss
The greatest star from above,
This life has no fault on its own
For the prettiest thing
Is the prettiest thing of all;
Who does this fail to be alone
When the stars have fallen restlessly?
True science endures the most
And most pleasingly I do not dwell
Alas, what a waste of fault this is
Let me loosely fall at the seams
Beyond my reach I am not falsely driven
Behold the response that intrigues
For the death of a swan leads no further
I am my most prominent fail
Happy Valentine\'s Day, my wanderous one
Lead me to the path that is sincere...
For death has fallen...the falling of the swan
Let her swim to the depths of despair
Oh cover me with this fallen face...the
fallen face of lies...
Behold the aging war that is deep
Deeper than the pool of substance
Pulling you into my war
Behold the beautiful music that despises light
May you shine bright my little one;
Blithe is the speed of light
Found in the mystery that is cool
Beyond the clouds, the ages disappear
And the sound of retrospect reappears
Oh the dying of the light is so sincere...
What celestial world is this
That awakens the conscious being?
Oh the falling of the swan
As I swim freely,
Let the death of the light shine upon me...
For my love is not elementary
I fall upon this rose that is plight.