
Chasing Butterflies


When I was child I was a dreamer

and on deep reflection that be true even today 

somedays it just doesn\'t feel

as if I’m a grown up

when I close my eyes

it feels as if I\'m still chasing butterflies

catching them in my net

ever hoping the ice cream van

will come rearing round the corner 

with its magnificent music playing

from the loud speaker attached to its rooftop

even though I’m dreaming

I know which flavor I’d choose

mint chip and if I was really lucky

a flake on the side

I’d be the first to admit

not having worries really was a gift as a child 

not like today 

many a moment I sit dreaming 

of those times, those much simpler times

that as a child I couldn’t have appreciated

because how was I to know?  

so less complicated  

so much less complicated than today

so less complicated

than being the writer of this sheet


chasing butterflies?


I\'ll tell you, somedays…


that\'s all I can do.