
Where is this Jerusalem?


I heard it in a song.


I thought of its prosperity, 


And what it had become..


I heard of its fame,


But it was nowhere to be found..


So I had to wonder, 


Where is this holy ground. 


Is it the city


Where angels dare to tread,


Is it some delusion, 


Rattling around in my head.


I couldn\'t see it on the earth,


But could I be so bold,


To think that it is waiting, 


In the spirits of men of old.


So I am encouraged, 


In the hope that it will rise,


Descending with the ancients, 


Each from his tribe.


The line is cast, 


The measurements told.


The streets like glass,


Of pure gold.


The spirit wars against the flesh, 


The flesh against the spirit. 


When it\'s found,




We will know that we are in it.


Comfort or delusion, 


It\'s all a work of art...


To have the key to the kingdom, 


Locked inside the heart.