
See the son?


He\'s the one. 


He is the bread of life, 




Eat him,


He\'ll keep you out of strife. 


They shall never hunger, 


They shall never thirst. 


But you don\'t believe..


You need to see him first. 



Not some counterfeit phoney behind a peice of glass..


They mock you with nonsense, 


Like it\'s flowing out their arse.


All the Father gives him will come,


His sheep will hear his voice.


He will lead them to green pastures, 


Is there really any choice?


He will not cast them out, 


By the Father he was sent,


That he should lose nothing. 


He\'s coming to collect the rent. 


Babylon will be threshed, 


The fields as white as snow...


The treacherous ones have dealt treacherously..


Not allowing my people to go.


He will have them in derision, 


They will fall into their own trap..


The poor will see it, and think-


Fancy that.


How to get on board, 

How to see his grace...


I\'ll leave that to the master,


He has a time and place.


I don\'t say it is easy, 


The path is straight and narrow, 


And Don\'t be discouraged while on the road, 


You cop some slings and arrows. 


Nothing could harm him.


He led the way...


And this is his promise-


He will raise it up on the last day. 


Joy to the world 

Brothers and sisters 

Give a holy shout!

The King rules in Zion 

Let his Spirit rout.