

Most of my life I was there,

Going to church,

A church where Jesus was,

Was there as the son of god.

This all changed,

As where was that god

When my wife suffered,

Suffered for so long.

So I forego christianity

And a weight lifted from me,

I saw that all organised religion

Was just a farce.


I walked into the Chapel,

A Unitarian Chapel

And there I found new life,

A life where god was there,

Or god was not there.

The belief that we had the right,

The right to seek truth,

Truth and meaning within us,

Finding from self-experience

The way to go forward.

Within a community

Each having their own beliefs,

The own beliefs or doubts.

Our own individual liberty  is enjoyed,

Where self-integrity is better,

Better than a pressure to conform.

A place where I have found a way,

Found a way to look further,

Further into my life

Without beliefs forced on me,

Forced on me by organised religion.

I know that my god and my spirit exist,

Exist within me,

And they are My God and My Spirit.