
They abolished global slavery in 1948..


What\'s been happening since that date?


The global system really takes the cake. 


Still working for the man, to get dinner on our plate..


Yes, here we are, the bold and the free..


Providing all the pleasures, 


Paid by you and me.


Borrow for this, Borrow for that.  


The usury system has got us in a trap. 


Working now,


It\'s what you have to do..


And if your lucky,


Before you die,


You can play a round or two.


From the cradle to the grave, 


Now paying until we are dead. 


If you think they abolished slavery you have rocks in your head. 


Free to do this,


Free to do that..


Keep them in employment, 


Make it harder to be sacked. 


Sap a lot of profit,


Give a little back,


Use the rest for what we like,


For wars and shit like that.


Yes, they may wonder,


Even bitch and moan. 


But we have the power,


We can take what they owe.


Put them on the street,


Treat them with contempt. 


But if they follow the rules,


Can stay cosy in their bed.


You can have your freedom, 


You can do it your own way.


Just remember who you serve, 


And make sure that you pay.


Money comes from nothing, 


Ledgers in a bank. 


Created to control the masses.


No one knew it stank.


If you believe they abolished slavery and set the people free, 


Well, it may be possible, 


You are more deluded than me.